Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blake's Eight!!

Where does the time go? Blake just turned 8. That doesn't seem like it should be allowed! He got some fun presents and the traditional thin pancake breakfast. He was also baptized, and has been having fun going to Cub Scouts. Love you buddy!


Jennifer Lomenick said...

I agree. Jeremy turned 8 in November so I understand about all that is involved with baptism and scouting. Jeremy is loving it and just got his Bobcat in January. We need to get together.

Roz said...

Aww Blake is so cute. Now he is accoutable for all his actions:)

robyn said...

How is he 8 already????? Oh I am so proud of him and his baptism day was perfect! but seriously? wasn't he just barely falling asleep in my arms?