July has been a lot of fun. We went to Draper Days and the kids had fun on the carnival rides and bounce houses. We got to watch the fireworks from our deck which was great! For Pioneer Day we went to a Bees baseball game. After the game, we got to go onto the field to watch the BEST fireworks ever! So much fun!
Um...yeah...so I am pregnant...and due in August! This pic is LOONNGGG overdue. I haven't taken any pix of this pregnancy...just so busy! Anyway, we're all excited to welcome Torri Paige really soon!
The kids and I drove to CA the week after 4th of July. We had a blast swimming at Paw-Paw's house, stopping by Pops' for Mountaineer Days, staying with the LeBaron's, eating yummy Hawaiian food with the fam and playing at the park at Grandma Duck's house!